Saturday, April 17, 2010

Let the rain come down!

I am sitting at the kitchen table listening to Lifehouse, eating chicken noodle soup, and watching the rain drip down. Yes, is it raining! For the firt time since I have come to Nicarauga, I have stood outside and felt the rain fall down. It was like I was in a different place. When Mike told me it was raining outside I din't believe him, so I went outside to experience it for myself. It isn't a downpour, but it isn't just a trickle either; it is sweet, gentle rain. I was told not to expect rain until May, but here it is on a Saturday afternoon in April. I hear some thunder in the distance and I wonder if I will ever have the full experience of rain in Nicaragua. I have been told that at times during the rainy season, the neighbourhood children have taken their pool floaties out into the street. What a sight that would be.

This day has been refreshing and relaxing. I woke up this morning after a good night's rest and talked my self into going for a run. I came back hotter than ever, so I jump in the shower and then started grading. After how hot is was this morning, I never would have thought that it would rain today. The stormy weather is fun and different. Besides the different weather, there are other things that have made this weekend a breath of fresh air for me. With only 5 more lessons to plan, I am feeling the weight of work start to lift.

Although this week had its challenges, I really enjoyed teaching the 7th and 8th graders. I am starting to get sad as I think about leaving in a week and a half. I have had so many amazing experiences in Nicarauga and it has become a third home for me (the first being Houstona and the second Dordt). Altough saddening, these thoughts have also been uplifting for me as I consider my next adventure in Indonesia. I believe God has been using my experience in Nicaragua to prepare me for the next chapter of my life. I had my fears about coming to Nicaragua, but they have all disolved. God has continually reminded me that he is my faithful provider and with him, I will always be okay.

The rain is still coming down and I still have papers to grade, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chae:
    Great to read your blog. We are in Billings Montana soon and having a great time. Have a great few weeks yet in Nicaragua. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
    Love Dad and Mom
